President's blog

Jobs for the boys and girls

8 October 2012

I have to say that one thing I love about being Alumni President is hearing from you. More often than not it's new alumni, but it's always good to hear from you.

This year I'm really pleased to hear how so many are walking into employment, either full-time or freelance. Even then, as I know from my own experience, life can be a struggle, but getting that first foot on the ladder is so important and leads to bigger and better things.

Not everyone will have found work straight away in this economic climate, but help is available from your Alumni Association. We can't get you a job, but we can do all sorts of things from providing advice to being able to allow some access to resources like the library or our Careers Service.

As someone who works in a career with, even now, zero job security, I can say hand on heart that the most important thing is to be determined. It takes a while to get to the right place but don't give up on getting there. Sometimes the struggle makes us appreciate where we end up.

There are many benefits to your education - the skills, the support, the alumni family. You have a great store of weapons in your arsenal to get you to where to want to be.

Don't forget to let us know what you are doing in your career. It is useful to us and is a chance to show everyone what you're up to - and don't forget to keep ME informed too! I genuinely want to hear from you. Emails to pop up on my ever present BlackBerry and I try to reply as quickly as I can.

A final thought - whilst times of economic downturn are tough for everyone they can also be the breeding ground of great success. Stay positive and use everything to your advantage.


For those of you still in Nottingham - I'm visiting Clifton on October 30th then heading to a Distinguished Lecture at the city site - and I'm back repeatedly over the next few weeks. They keep me busy, but if I've time I'm always up for grabbing a chat and coffee so email me and if it's at all possible then the coffee's on me!