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Students get support to learn languages

20 June 2016

BAIB language buddy schemeThe Nottingham Business School (NBS) has used Alumni Fund money to enable the BA Hons International Business (BAIB) course to set up a sustainable Tandem Language Buddy scheme which accommodates the needs of all three academic years.

Firstly, the scheme will focus on transitioning students into University from a school or college environment and gaining confidence in foreign language usage. Secondly there’s the preparations for work and study abroad and the effective integration of the dual award students from Spain, France and Germany. Students can develop more language skills and learn more cultural nuances. The third level focuses upon the successful transition into the workplace developing skills and aspirations and opportunities to help others with their language acquisition.

Dual Award students who have participated from KEDGE Business School in Marseilles, France, have given excellent feedback about the scheme. Students can develop key skills required by current employers such as language skills, confidence and independence. To take this scheme to a more professional and sustainable setting the funds will train an alumni, Final Year Coordinators and the Course Team in coaching and mentoring. They will act as guides to students wishing to further their language skills. Additionally, BAIB Alumni (French, Spanish, German, Chinese) will be leading each language area and supporting the current Final Year in rolling out the scheme.

Dr Rachel Welton says: “We have worked hard to establish the tandem buddy scheme and have learnt many lessons during this first year.”